
Carmen opera english translation
Carmen opera english translation

carmen opera english translation

On April 1, 2015, the music video for “Carmen” was released to coincide with April Fool’s Day to emphasize how modern love is starting to become more and more a joke. Stromae’s lyrics are based off this popular stanza of the opera:

carmen opera english translation

“L'amour est un oiseau rebelle”) of the 1875 opera Carmen.

carmen opera english translation

Stromae’s “Carmen” interpolates the Habanera aria (a.k.a. I’m not so radical about Twitter, but I think it’s sometimes dangerous if you think that Twitter is real life. Like, you fall in love only for 48 hours or something, and I talk about that in my song. In my remix of it, I’m comparing love to the blue bird of Twitter. In the opera Carmen compares a bird to love. Stromae, in an interview with TimeOut New York: after Shakespeare, and Bizets Carmen, at Colorados Central City. “Carmen” was released as the sixth single of Racine Carrée on March 31, 2015, a long two years after the album’s original 2013 release. Original Form of the Opera Is Presented By Central City in English Translation.

Carmen opera english translation